Report Features
Our goal
Our premium report provides all of our current analysis capabilities in one document. The goal here is to give you the best possible vantage point regarding how your document will measure up on a stand-alone basis (quality) and in the competitive landscape against similar peers (competitiveness).
Analytically, we seek to answer the following:
Is your job description perfect in language use?
Will it attract the right intellect & skilled candidates?
How relevant is it in the competitive arena for talent?
What enhancements can be added to give you an edge?
What we review:
Quality features
- Check the grammar for correctness (spelling, punctuation, proper names)
- Calculate a sentiment score indicating the relative positivity / negativity
- Measure for Gender Bias, Toxicity, Inappropriate Words
- Approximate a reading level / language diversity measurements
Competitiveness features
- Scour the web for a handful of currently active, most similar job listings
- Provide comprehensive metrics to compare against your peers
- Benchmark the job title against a standardized job title checker
- Comparison check the job title to the set of standardized job skills expected
- Latest SEO competitor checked keywords / hashtags
How do we do it?
We use a mix of well-established (rules based grammar engines) and cutting edge tools (natural language processing such as NLPCloud's GPT-3 and Spacy framework). These are the same technologies being used in-house at the largest recruiting firms and Fortune 1,000 HR departments.
To get started
Visit our private alpha/beta online form to request an invite when this report is ready
When added to our service, your steps will be:
Visit our ~2 minute online form
Give us some basic info about your candidate search
Upload a job description
We return a comprehensive suite of metrics to give you greater visibility on the document
The next addition to our product mix is a one-stop dashboard to coordinate all your recruiting activities. This will include hiring support as a service features. We welcome your inquiries.